Get your contact lense prescription through Vestavia Eye Care

Contact Lenses

Contact lens technology continues to evolve, and we are right in step with it. There are designs and materials never previously available. Because of this, people with high astigmatism or keratoconus or 40-something year-old eyes can achieve great vision through contact lenses. Even if you’ve been told in the past that you cannot wear contact lens successfully, chances are, now you can. We are experienced at handling the most difficult prescriptions and are certified to fit specialty contact lenses such as Synergeyes and Paragon CRT.

If you suffer from allergies, then you know how annoying it can be to wear contact lenses during allergy flare-ups. In the past many people had to quit wearing their lenses during allergy season. However, new lens materials and allergy medications have made it possible for these people to eliminate the burning and itching associated with allergies. New prescription medications are amazingly effective and safe even in children as young as three. Let us know when you come in for your appointment if you have special allergy needs and we will be happy to help you.

Contact: 2531 Rocky Ridge Road, Suite 116, Vestavia Hills, AL 35243 | Phone: 205-978-4088

Hours: Mon: 8 am to 5 pm | Tue: 8 am to 5 pm | Wed: 9 am to 5 pm | Thu: 8 am to 5 pm | Fri: 8 am to Noon | Closed for Lunch: Noon to 1 pm

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