Surgery Co-Management
The doctors at Vestavia Eye Care are qualified to diagnose and manage a variety of diseases that affect the eyes and visual system. On occasion, they find that an eye requires a surgical procedure to correct a problem or an invasive technique to halt progression of an ocular disease. Patients frequently consult our doctors about surgical options and rely on their advice regarding what to do and where to go.
We work with several excellent ophthalmologists (eye surgeons) in the greater Birmingham area and can make recommendations depending on what care is needed. For example, you wouldn’t see a retina specialist if you needed a cornea transplant. Our doctors can help you find the right surgeon for your particular problem.
Most of the ophthalmologists we work with co-manage with our doctors. What that means to you is that the surgeon does the necessary procedure and you return to Vestavia Eye Care for your post-operative care. Since most of our surgeons are downtown, our patients prefer the convenience of coming to Vestavia Eye Care for their post-operative visits just as they did for their pre-operative care. Of course, if we find something that requires surgical intervention, we do not hesitate to send you back to the surgeon but this is an extremely rare event.
Whether you require a refractive procedure (LASIK, LASEK), a cataract extraction, a cornea transplant, a laser treatment for glaucoma, an injection to halt macular degeneration, or a “spot-weld” to seal a retinal tear, our doctors will send you to the right surgeon for your specific need. It is wise to consult a non-surgeon first to determine whether a surgical procedure is right, necessary, and in your best interest.
Contact: 2531 Rocky Ridge Road, Suite 116, Vestavia Hills, AL 35243 | Phone: 205-978-4088
Hours: Mon: 8 am to 5 pm | Tue: 8 am to 5 pm | Wed: 9 am to 5 pm | Thu: 8 am to 5 pm | Fri: 8 am to Noon | Closed for Lunch: Noon to 1 pm
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